Pesticide Applicator
Internet Recertification

2025 West Nile Virus and IPM for Mosquitoes
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2025 West Nile Virus and IPM for Mosquitoes
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2025 West Nile Virus and IPM for Mosquitoes
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Discusses must-know information regarding West Nile Virus, a serious disease threat to humans, pets, livestock, birds, and wildlife. The origins and history of the spread of the disease are covered, as well as an in-depth look at its host range. Furthermore, management techniques for controlling mosquitoes are discussed in depth, from monitoring and surveillance to prevention and insecticide application. Minimizing pesticide exposure in these cases is the last major topic. This course is especially recommended for applicators who must manage mosquitoes as a public health pest. Published 2020

1 Credit approved in the following states: Alaska, Arizona (PMD), Delaware (5C), Idaho, Montana (10, 39, 34, 38, 45, 50, 56),  Pennsylvania (11, 16, 18), South Carolina, Utah, and Washington.

2 Credits approved in the following states: Maryland (8, 10) and West Virginia (9, 13D).

1 Credit: AK, ID, MT (10,39,34,38,45,50,56), OR, PA(11,16,18), UT, WA.
2 Credits: MD(8,10), WV(9,13D).
2025 West Nile Virus and IPM for Mosquitoes

Make sure the course is approved for your state.