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2025 Tick Biology and Tickborne Diseases
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2025 Tick Biology and Tickborne Diseases
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Ticks throughout the United States pose concerns for human health because some vector virus and bacterial pathogens that can make people very sick or die. This presentation discusses the more common tick species and their vectored diseases. Tick biology is discussed for key species. Personal protection is key to minimize chances of disease and we present key management tactics. Published 2020

1 Credit: Alaska, Arizona (AG/PMD), Delaware (03), Idaho, Montana (10, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39, 45, 54, 55, 60), New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Tennessee (C03, C07, C08, C10, C12, LHA), Utah, Washington, Wyoming

2 Credits: Maryland (7A,8), Pennsylvania (16, 18, 23), West Virginia (8A, 8E, 9, 11, 12)

1 Credit: AK; ID; MT (10,32,33,34,37,39,45,54,55,60); OR; UT; WA.

2 Credits: MD (7A,8); PA (16,18,23); WV (8A,8E,9,11,12).
2025 Tick Biology and Tickborne Diseases

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