Pesticide Applicator
Internet Recertification

2025 Pesticide Storage, Disposal and Container Recycling
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2025 Pesticide Storage, Disposal and Container Recycling
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2025 Pesticide Storage, Disposal and Container Recycling
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This course covers the principles of pesticide storage, including the storage structure, location and configuration.  It discusses spill prevention and management strategies as well as fire preparedness.  Disposal is introduced as a method for handling products that were stored incorrectly or no longer needed, since they are hazardous wastes.  Lastly, proper handling of emptied containers is discussed, reviewing the importance of triple or pressure rinsing plastic containers and participating in a plastic pesticide container recycling program. Published date 2010

1 Credit approved in the following states:  Alaska, Arizona (AG), Delaware (PA), Idaho, Montana (10,39,56a,b,c,60), Nevada (laws), New Mexico, North Carolina (G01), Oregon (core), Tennessee (All Categories), Utah, Washington.

1.5 Credits: South Carolina, Wyoming.

2 Credits approved following states: Maryland (Core), Pennsylvania (00), and West Virginia (1,10,13DE,2,3,4AB,6,7,8ABE).

1 Credit: AK, MT(10,39,56a,b,c,60), OR(Core), UT, WA (Max, Weed).
2 Credit: MD(core), PA(00), WV(1,10,13DE,2,3,4AB,6,7,8ABE).
2025 Pesticide Storage, Disposal and Container Recycling

Make sure the course is approved for your state.