This course is specifically meant for those individuals who wish to get recertification credits for their pesticide applicator's license. It is geared toward the Structural Pest Inspector license or the Pest Management Professional-Structural endorsement. Detailed information and images show pest management professionals and inspectors how to identify a variety of structural pests of homes. Pests covered include various ants, termites, wood-boring beetles, and fungi. Strategies for prevention and management are covered throughout the course. Published 2013
1 Credit approved in the following states: Alaska, Arizona (PMD), Delaware (7B), Idaho, Montana (10,39,40,45), New Mexico (00, PRAP, PRRO), North Carolina (P01), Nevada(C3 general), Oklahoma (7b,10), Oregon, Pennsylvania (12,18,23), Tennessee (C07,C010,C12), Utah, Washington.
1.5 Credits: South Carolina, Wyoming.
2 Credits approved in the following states: Maryland (7B, 10, 11A) and West Virginia (8B).