Learning how to diagnose plant problems is always a challenge. This course will explain some steps that you might follow when you encounter a plant problem that you do not recognize. The course includes information on diagnostic tools, the systematic steps to follow and uses examples of plant problems observed in Western Washington. This course would be appropriate for any person managing plant problems. Examples used are from landscapes. Published 2009
1 Credit approved in the following states: Alaska, Delaware (3), Idaho, Montana (10,30,33,34,39,45,60), Nevada (C1,B4, general), New Mexico (00, PRAP, PRRO), Oklahoma (3a,3c, 10), Oregon, Pennsylvania (PC,06,18,23), Tennessee (C03,C10,C12,LHA), Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
1.5 Credits approved in the following state: South Carolina (category 3), Wyoming.
2 Credits approved in the following states: Maryland (categories 1A, 2, 3A, 3C, 6, 9, 10), West Virginia (categories 1, 4A, 4B).